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FFxWARBELL Workout Program

  • 40Days
  • 62Steps




I am so excited for the next 30 days and the adventure we are going on together. You need to set 15-25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for the next 30 days to completely change your core and build stronger, more defined muscles. ***NOTE- You have 40 days to complete the 30-day program. Once 40 days is up, the program will automatically close. But no worries! You'll get an option to subscribe to the membership and access the workouts if you want to keep your momentum going.*** Each Day, you will find videos on proper form and technical tips on how to perform the movement. Please take the time to watch the videos and read the description. There will also be a Beginner version labeled, for example, W1:D1 & an Adv. version marked, for example, W1:D1-Adv. Please pick the appropriate level for your fitness level! AGAIN, ONLY PICK ADV. IF YOU ARE ADV. LEVEL!! Repetition is crucial in feeling and seeing results, as you target specific areas of the body to maximize your results! No excuses! 💪 In 30 days, you will be a more confident, fitter, better version of yourself. As you start today, you will take a "Before" picture of yourself. This will be used to help you see your progress. We will do this on Day 1 and Day 30 so that you can see the great progress you are making and the changes to your physique. Envision yourself having the more defined muscles you have always wanted! Equipment Needed: FFT Warbell, Sturdy Bench

You can also join this program via the mobile app.

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