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PODCAST FEATURE: FarmFitMomma: From Tragedy to Triumph Through Fitness

In this week’s episode, Tracy speaks with Amanda Nigg, also known as FarmFitMomma.

Would you like to hear an incredible story of tragedy to triumph? An inspiring story about how the worst day of your life can accidentally set you onto your life’s purpose.

If so, you are going to want to watch this episode. Click below to watch:

In this episode, Tracy and Amanda chat about:

- The gut-wrenching story of how tragedy struck on their family farm, and if that wasn’t enough, the national covid pandemic was declared the very next day, adding additional chaos and unknowns to an already devastating time.

- Amanda openly shares how frustrating, heartbreaking, and depressing this time was for her.

How she mustered the energy to pull herself out of bed and put one foot in front of the other and start rebuilding their lives.

- She shares how her husband lovingly brought scrap metal from the farm junk pile to help her rebuild her gym so that she could refocus and take back some sense of control of her life.

- Amanda was amazed and so thankful for the communities that came together in person and online as she openly shared her struggles.

- She was surprised when people started asking her what she was doing for fitness routines. Others struggling with the uncertainties of the pandemic also found themselves looking for an outlet and something to help them build their mental and physical strength.

- Amanda reflects on the moment when she changed her Instagram handle from her name to FarmFitMomma and how this started an exciting journey of building her company, viral planking challenges, and her calling to serve the farming community through fitness.

- She shares how fitness truly is the way to take control of your mental and physical health and become the best you. She shares some of her clients' amazing transformations and how many of them have become coaches in her community.

- Tracy and Amanda then chat about business. They discuss the most exciting and challenging parts and what has surprised her most about being a business owner.

- They finish the fantastic episode with a lightning round of questions, including favorite books, best advice, and more.

If you want to hear an episode about tragedy, triumph, passion, and resiliency. Don't miss this episode.

Thanks for tuning. I appreciate you spending your time with us.



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